Sunday, February 16, 2020

Three Pillars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Three Pillars - Essay Example Servant leadership entails leading others into achieving organizational objectives whilst incorporating everyone on board. This type of leadership seeks to empower all the involved parties and making them ‘semi-leaders.’ A good servant leader understands the need to serve as a key element to successful management. As a servant leader, the leader carries the corporate vision and then nurtures everybody to realize the vision through tapping of each individual talent. In simple terms, servant leadership aims at walking the walk together with the rest. Successful servant leadership is defined by ethical behavior, charisma, and the desire to inspire and empower others (Boone & Makhani, 2013). It is worth noting that successful servant leaders spend more time listening, understanding and critically analyzing ideas from subordinates. Servant leaders are defined by the ability to scavenge for individual talents and articulating those individual talents towards organizational goa l. As a financial analyst for a health insurance company, I have unlimited opportunity to exercise servant leadership. First, I demonstrate submissiveness to higher leadership and help them tap into my skills and talents. Instead of competing with fellow workmates, I aim at creating a team work where everybody feels appreciated and respected. Whenever I find faults during my financial analysis, I help the affected personnel to identify the problem and then show them how to do it better next time. I have seen this work more often than just scolding and rebuking a person for their mistakes. By serving as an example, others are able to follow willingly. With globalization bringing new array of challenges especially in managing organizations, entrepreneurial skills needed to sustain organizations in 21st century have gone high. Entrepreneurial skills require understanding of complex array of tenets of management. Therefore, entrepreneurship needs to understand the relationship between

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Holy Ghost Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Holy Ghost Religion - Essay Example â€Å"There is a large two story and of dark wood, with a steeply pitched roof, it appeared abandoned,† (Lienau 8). In principle, it detailed the setting of the documentary and how frightening the actions that would be done there were likely to be. The documentary shows a voice believed to be of a spirit detailing and interpreting the testimony of a woman. The voice analyses the character and testimony of the woman to the surprise of the believers. In brief, the story is about the Pentecostal Church that elaborates that punishments and disasters happen to people because of their sins and mistakes. For example, the people living with HIV/AIDs or rape victims are supposed to have sinned and therefore their difficulties are caused by their sins.Subsequently, the preacher then handles a snake and uses it as an example to elaborate the power of God over Satan or devil. When I look up about what does the snake represent in the Holy Bible I found that it represents the devil. So, in the event of the snake that would bite a person handling it would be used as an example to show the strength of Satan. I was surprised with that kind of comparison because it is obvious that God rule or control supreme and nothing or nobody can be compared to God.When I did my research, I realizedthat the church supposed to represent a place of holiness, righteousness and goodness. Hence, using this actions and stories such as the snake handling to show the power of God is inaccurate and misleading.